
Tiger, Dragon, Turtle, Windfish

vampyres of time and space
hidden in your garden
riddled of the sun
beneath the says the ways
beneath is gone with time
and space

a voice tasting out loud
correlations of hyper-travelling
when reality's sinking
in ocean of meta-matter
sonic winning
becomes foul, comes fuel

cyborg seeks to trust
are posters hold lies
when you don't get them
reverb-full affects 
twins of thyself
the prayer is lord upon all

Six Words Title, On Cassette.

I'm Chuck Person, I'm Chuck Person
Agent Vansant Cooper
Angel please don't go
Haruhi you're not phantasmagoring
Let's sue the Miya case
Hey! You found it again
Just tracing circles
Round and round...
And round and round...
This is where the torrents are
This is where the torrents are too
Round and round...
And round and round...
I'm Chuck Person, I'm Chuck Person
Agent Vansant Cooper
It doesn't matter anyway
Envy you saw it implode with your own eyes
In your own Adams family perspective
You don't get an end
The path will never appear clearer
Just tracing lines
It glides all right...
It glides on the hard surface...
Where do my favorite files sneak to?
They take so much importance and yet you absorb
The information they tend to stock
On a scale of Aces to Spikes
Scar... scarf... scared... sky...


Tourisme Sexuel

béni des dieux, dans un train, en Inde
dans un train banni par le malheur
un truc qui brûle d'une chaleur incandescente
en filant droit comme une droite toute débile
comme en allumant le bouton de l'interrupteur
marqué au fer des trois antriforces
trois, à trois
trop fort trop trop
trop impressionant
peut-être un peu jolie mais surtout pas
on oublie vite quand on aime pas
qu'ils soient les enfants d'Aphrodite, ou de la destinée
on oublie vite pour s'approprier
pour prier au propre, sous la douche
sous la pomme de papa
celle avec l'étiquette


Dark Flame Master Basic Fuckoff Lesson

this bitch is trying to get her grip on me
this bitch is trying to keep her grip on me
she trying to let her mark on me, like a slug
you won't hold no weight on my soul
ain't falling on your witch tricks
stay away from your witch traps
the bitch can't get a hold on me
she won't put on letting me be
well i gotta say, bitch, that you think you some ghost
doing who the fuck knows, who the fuck cares
except yourself so into your own self
just shut your fucking mouth and open wide your dead pupils
liquid acid in your ears so you can start to fucking listen
what if you haunt my nightmares, they've already turned dreams
cause at the end i beat your face and feel relieved when i wake up
and when i get you face to face your energy's so negative
that i wonder how you handle not negating yo self alone at home
the bitch got her grip on me
the bitch kept her grip on me
but i'm a lone dog, i'm a lone dog say
i'm a lone dog, and goes on my day
don't have to think of any other selfish being
than myself
that's what keeps me up
in the glo light
under the moonlight
in the glo light
darkness always shines bright
so the bitch can keep the masquerade
i'm watching her dancing her own despair
this ain't no good and evil fuckboy shit
the bitch is drowning in her shit


Vaporwaving Rubber Soles

Tu vois, tu sais pas quand
Il y a du chocolat
Mawaru mawaru
Le chocolat dans le lait froid, le lait froid
Froid comme l'hiver froid dans mes bras
Quand il caille il caille

J'ai des crampes, à l'estomac
Aux tendons qui ne se relâchent pas
Alors je fais de la méditation
Des étirements le matin 
Calme-toi calme-toi regarde tout va bien
Écoute ton cœur pour mieux savoir l'oublier
Main contre pied quand tu te souviens de tes rêves
Savoir les vivre et sauvegarder la partie

Dans le hub de ma vie
Des portes et des étoiles chiffrées
Des tableaux de musée numérisé
La profondeur de champ n'est pas évasée
Et tu ne sais jamais ce que tu peux toucher

Moi tu m'as touché
Tu m'as parlé et c'était ce que je voulais
Qu'enfin quelqu'un désire s'adresser à moi
Car moi je ne m'adresse à personne...

Car je m'adresse à tout le monde
Car je m'adresse à toi
Car je m'adresse à toutes les choses de la vie,
Qu'elles m'écoutent ou pas
Toujours s’élèvera ma voix, car je suis
Car je suis


Choppin' Chops In The Chopo-Chop.0

Chopo chopo
Chopando Shup-Ando Shupa Shupa
Shupa shupa chopopopo
Chopo la jussa, chopo la pussa
Chopo Chopo Chopo
Chocobo Shocobo Chopo Chopobo
Chopobo la banda, chop-chop shopi shop shop
Shup Shup la chopo
Chopo chopo chopo
Chopo la Pussa, Chopo la Genta

Chop Chop Chop
Chop, ground on the chopoground!
Grounded in a chopo gente, in a chopo mente
Chopo Latte la Chopo la Callo la Gente
Chocollaté choco choco shopo
Shopando la chopchop choppin chops

La Café se chopo-fue en la chopo Genta
Jenta la Chopo chopchop
Choppin' Choppin' Chopops
Choppindo Chopando serena chopa
Serenidad chopa chopo la jensa shop
Type-0 Chopo-like chopo la menta
Se fue la menta, la Chopo la Jensa


Mundane Dreamer Believes In Youtube

what are you gonna do
what are you gonna think
god is a woman
god is afro-american
cut it off

god is boring, god is boring
just forget about it already
get this god out, bring the trees back
who needs an old incompetent fag

what are you gonna do
what are you gonna think
who the fuck's this white dude
you're jerking off some normbum

god is boring, god is boring
stop napping get sleep and a slap
you can wake up and still don't give a fuck
cause i don't fear my own dreams

god is boring, god is boring
when you find out it's your next door neighboor
when you find out it's lost in the internet
when you find out we're not living paper

what the fuck you gonna do then?
what the fuck you gonna do then?

Smoking On Loads

i've been playing playstation for 5 hours straight
this screen has powers i forgot my hands executing
the inconscious life orders coming from my heeaaad

i swear i smoked too much i can feel my mind like i can touch it
or maybe it's the contrary this light feels cool can't think of noothiiiiing
this shit that got me high so weak gosh i swear still hits me so hard
road raging that 3D car model like listening to vaporwave like

goddamn how can i see anything this world is so dark i'm so far out
it's eating me from the inside i don't care feels better than anything
poopin useless thoughts keeps the driving on a cloud like Yung Goku
on a cloud like Lakitu fishing on regular peoples faces lmao

i swear i smoked a lot i'm used to i'm high too woop
or maybe i'm already high all the time and i'm just worsening my case
or maybe not made a choice got me high made a choice i won't lie
this feels sweet can smell my sweat you looking at me me looking at noothiiiiiing

you can keep the money thanks for the goodie homie
we could share one if i gave a fuck if you know what i mean
don't think that i'm mean i just don't give a fuck about your face mate
leave me the fuck alone with this fucked and slugged shiiiite
smoking on loads, smoking on loads,
always smoking on loads

sans titre

even when time crosses by
even it's 1999
2D snow sprites at upper corner
snow, it's made for the screen
celebrity path to hollywood life
waving your paypal account in the air
like you just don't care


anxious or just frozen
silence as heavy as noise is calm
it spins for a while, eventually crosses by
time slots keep through their way
shoving light on my skin all origins
even it's 2012
as slow and soft as ever
blooming myself up in the mall

the plane, crashes in love
the rain starts plunging from above
it's like it's spring all over me again
if heaven best stands for comfort
i have a paypal credit card