
when 'going out' means 'opening out' means 'falling asleep anywhere'

don't be scared
of anything
you are 
a little angel

our share
looks serious
if it's with you
then i don't mind

i love you,
i love you and you're great
i love you my nostrils hurt...
i love you and my mouth's numb...

i see you, i see you talking down
see you communicating down
see you keep on going down...

i love you, trying to be a friend
i'll always think that you're a fiend
just can't stop running a theme

just can't stop running a theme



Bass, Bass In Your Ass

Ground Zero In Your Ass

Anus Takes Off, Chills Up The Spine

To The Infrasounds Of Your Brain 

Nosebleed, You're Spitting On Me

Throw Up In My Throat, Hands Round My Throat

Thread Treathening My Reputation, Mutilation

Bass, Drill Up My Ass, Rosebud

Scratch My Left Arm Left With Loathing Furor

Like, Like A Fist In My Guts

I Shit My Guts From Your Uncalled Fisting

Why, Why Am I Crying? Babe, Babe Who Made You Cry
I Woke Next To The Toilet, I Pissed Myself, I Can't Tell The Shame
I'll Never Be Able To Sit Again, I'll Never Look At Myself Again,
What Happened, What Happened
I Don't Understand, Was This Love, I Don't Feel Anything, Anymore
Have I Ever Felt Anything, Ever, I Don't Remember
My Arm Is Blue
My Oppresed Lungs Make Me Suffocate
I'd Like To... Wash My Teeth... But I Can't Get Up
Why, Why Am I Crying? Babe, Where Has My Babe Gone
I Never Wished For That, That's What I Got For Being Myself
For Trying To Be Someone Else, For You Babe, For Me I
I Resign... What Is Love......? Baby Don't Hurt Me...
Don't Hurt Me... Please More

Game Is Not Fun

once the game's over, it usually restarts,
or takes you back to the title screen
and when it's laborious, you can change the cartridge
or load another-any program on the computer

looking at death in the face, doesn't really seem
to be what games help you to do, it seems
in the end, the game ends, the same way it begun
by pushing a button; by pushing, by doing

by putting coins into some machine
we only have one pair of eyes, two eyes
two hands, but twice of each fingers
one of each organs, maybe

acid trip, life is a psychedelic trip
daydream and without death you can't complete it
i don't want to wake up but dying
will feel the same as being born, bland
and you need at least a lifetime to fully
figure this out

you think you were dead during a given period of time
you think you know what it is to be on the verge of what we won't know
but it's all of it, it's all of it
enjoying, experiencing death for the given time
before it starts again
before pushing reset, it's never an accident
no such thing as time
what a happy!
life & death

des Nouilles et du Whisky :(

abandonnées les recherches
encouragé le voyage, tu traverses
coupé court le raccourci, l'ourlet
qu'y a-t-il à chercher de plus? déclinaison
au moins j'aurai toujours  des solutions

c'est qu'à, l'affut, on trouve les réponses
mais nous ne sommes plus notés, bien noté
pianoter, toujours ce que je sais faire
mais la musique, d'où elle provient?

je fais
mais je fais pas

sale le soir, propre le matin
j'en oublie de me laver mes mains
on oublie ou on oublie pas
au final je pardonne pas, j'oublie pas
je ne me pardonne pas, je me souviens pas
la même hypocrisie que je ne pardonne pas

comme dans le film
S ou M mais je choisis pas, je fais les deux choix
je fais tous les choix en sachant où ça me mènera
en sachant où ça nous mènera toujours
au même endroit
impossible de tomber à l'endroit


I Hate Princesses, I'm The Princess, Stand Up For Me, You Weren't In Another Castle, Who's Being Wrong And Selfish

Youtube gets me let's talk about Youtube
Go on Youtube look for unique motion the lotion
Applied on your demos on your desired pictures

Now... now is like before
Pretty much like before but now...
Now is much colder
And now I feel much better

Kick me out of this place
Like when you kicked me out of that place
Someone kick me out (I don't want violence)
I have never been kicked out, do I only know violence?
How can I ask anything, all I have's already for free

Whatever I get will I really feel fine with it
The sun keeps setting up and down but nobody knows tomorrow
Whatever I get I've learned to feel more content
I've learned to feel confident but my life knows no discontent
Is it because obstacles are easy to overcome, is it Easy Mode
Is it all so progressive, or am I the developer in this game, nobody's playing this game

Fear & Loathing In Heaven Or Las Vegas Or Maybe I Already Did This One Or Maybe You Already Did This One Let's Go To A Pachinko I Saw They Have A Haruhi Machine There Let's Play Our Lives On This Since We Don't Have Anything Else Left And Death Can't Be Played We Bet?

Someone To Reckfuck You

cherchez des personnes, lieux ou autres choses. j'en ai des centaines des remèdes comme celui-ci,...
...tu guériras, sans partir en vacances, dans tes années de pèlerinage qui n'auront duré que des jours
des mois et des heures combinés réponds au combiné
combinaison de fusions glacées  -  - tout ça c'est passé, tout ça s'est passé sans passé
je pense à toi une fois, que j'ai fini mes frites, pour me rappeler mes blessures, prévoyant les suivantes
by-pass gastrique j'ai plus du tout la trique
David Blowie te feras crier les 'oui'

dans mon train-train féral je ferai le tour du monde.
sans cesse dans les choux-choux je végète toujours pour rien.

prends ta planche, prends ton balai et occupe-toi de faire les choses,
le soleil se couche et se lève et qui s'en aperçoit? et qui s'en émouvoit?
bouge de là bouge de là personne ne veut bouger, je bouge partout mais rien ne bougera
les bouleaux et les gens que j'aime pas malin plaisir personne ne bougera, pour ça je reviendrais
pour ça je serais toujours là à me battre contre toi contre lui contre eux enculés enculés je vous aime
j'aime vous détester, je jouerai de la guitare jusqu'à réussir à le dire, combien j'ai envie de vous oublier


Little Death Of Innumerable Doomed Spermatozoons, Faceless Tainted Lives So Powerful We Just... Can't (Spirit Individual)

Bootleg Timeline, beginning of a terminated trip
PSY powers for a child only bound to trip but not to get up
Imagination unleading us to stop believing and be able to
Materiality, the less you try the more you end our reality
My muscles, are tired; My heart, is tired; My brain, is tired; Everything else
Has also been tried and tried, by anything we still haven't made up yet,
Trapped on the same net we've been building since forever
It is not music/\It is not images either/\Sensation all/\Sleep deprivation all/\Medication meditational
It's not what's behind the mirror and it's not the mirror either
Flow of ether, dream of a mandolin, a harp a flute and the most consistent of voids,
I ended in myself
Nothing came out of the birth of the world
I had hoped for
We ended it ourselves
No adjectives or paintings to describe anything, we didn't do
All we did, was undoing
Oh we did