

Your voice I hear in the distance is as pretty as a synthesized melody,
It sounds as fake as the singing of a robot boxed to be sold in conventions,
When I look at you, what is to be found behind the screen? 
Is there anything making up for the mirage?
When you enter a new area, it's imperceptibly lead by a musical theme, previously unheard of you,
Comma comma comma
I'm not soft, nobody is. All this smoke... I smoke...
When I look at you, what do you have for response, for me?
Even a single whisker projects shadow
A tooth knocking against a nail
I need anything, we need anything, to hold on to... in every physical, spiritual, thought, object
And maybe I want you to talk about galaxies, maybe I want you to draw girls with dicks
Because girls have dicks, dicks have girls, you know you don't have to define further, when you have
Fuck me with your dick of a girl
Make a joke, because you can, because it doesn't affect you, because nobody sees you, nobody seizes
I can't take it when I see you at the store, I want to go back to assure you're here, to avoid your being
I want to eat.
I want to have a beer and masturbate and listen to headphones-music while I'm falling asleep
I want to download mp3 music files as a repetitive simple mechanical desperate habit 
claiming it is political statement
Some I'_ll do, Some I dont'
It closes at 11pm
Eleven is a number I underestimated
I don't believe in void

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